Generator has problems with Rails 1.2.1
Reported by Anonymous on Ajax Scaffold · 21/01/2007 15:30:29
- Assigned to:
- rrwhite
- Priority:
- Normal
- Status:
- Solved
- Category:
- None
- Version:
- 3.1.10
The files get generated without any problems, but after starting webrick and hitting “create new” errors appear.
[2007-01-21 22:28:33] ERROR bad header ‘“{\n”’.
[2007-01-21 22:28:33] ERROR HTTPRequest#fixup: WEBrick::HTTPStatus::LengthRequired occured. – - [21/Jan/2007:22:28:33 CET] “POST /units/new?page=1&scaffold_id=unit&sort_direction=asc HTTP/1.1” 400 289
- → /units/new?page=1&scaffold_id=unit&sort_direction=asc
Using Rails 1.2.1 and Ajax Scaffold Generator 3.1.10
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